The DVDs of CVI Pezinok 2016 contain the complete competition of all categories. Also the Medal Ceremonies have been filmed and are on the DVDs.
There are 7 DVDs of the whole event:
DVD1: Ind. CVI1-CH, CVI1-J, CVI1-S
Individuals CVI1-CH, CVI1-J, CVI1-SCompulsories + FreestyleMedal Ceremony
Runtime: 173 Minutes.
DVD2: Ind. CVI2-CH, Pas de Deux
Individuals CVI2-CH Compulsories, FreestylePas de Deux CVI1-J, CVI2-J, CVI2-S, CVI3-S
Runtime: 146 Minutes.
DVD3: Ind. CVI2-J - Round 1
Individuals CVI2-J - Round 1Compulsories + Freestyle
Runtime: 150 Minutes.
DVD4: Ind. CVI2-J (Round 2), CVI2-S
Individuals CVI2-J - Round 2 (Finals)Individuals CVI2-SCompulsories, Freestyle
Runtime: 145 Minutes.
DVD5: Ind. CVI3-S
Individuals CVI3-SCompulsories, Technical Test, Freestyle
Runtime: 142 Minutes.
DVD6: Squads CVI2-J
Squads CVI2-JCompulsories + Freestyle
Runtime: 151 Minutes.
DVD6: Squads CVI1-S, CVI3-S
Squads CVI1-S + CVI3-SCompulsories + Freestyle
Runtime: 130 Minutes.